Monday, January 24, 2022

Blog #2 The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

Learning about the Supreme Court is interesting to me. Though I never really looked into it that much, the general information that I knew before looking at it is that it is the highest court in the U.S. and the judges on the supreme court are very well respected and know what they are doing. One thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that they get to pick and choose the cases they want to take which is called certiorari. To add more to that essentially they will get many petitions and or cases in which they can accept or deny.

I think the most important take-away about the Supreme Court besides that each justice has their own opinions on things and handle things differently within the laws is also surprising to me. That would be that each petition and any legal issue the same. Essentially they are all on equal standing. Though this is surprising to me, I think it makes sense to be the most important take-away. Because all cases are on equal standing essentially, the Supreme Court has an impact on America based on what cases they take. This gives the Supreme Court a lot of power over social issues.

After watching the the video, I realized just how important the Supreme Court is. Though I have always known it was important, I didn't truly grasp just how important it really is and what they could do. Between picking what petitions and cases they do and that everything is on equal standing. 

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