Thursday, February 3, 2022

Blog#3 Values of Free Expression

 The Value of Free Expression

We as a people are able to express ourselves in any way we want. Essentially free to believe, think, and act in ways others can't. The 1st Amendment is something of great value in America because it is the thing letting us experience free expression. Because the government doesn't get to interfere with our freedom to express ourselves, as long as it isn't violent, is something that greatly affects the people in the country.  

In today's modern world with easy access to news with a click of a button, I feel as though some of the values of free expression thought upon by the founding fathers are very important today. These ideas/theories have to be Promote Innovation and Individual Self-Fulfillment. Promote Innovation is essentially promoting free speech in a community that is valued and protected, and is more likely to be more creative and energetic. Individual Self-Fulfillment is essentially a person/individuals that are enabled by free speech to express themselves and are able to create an identity off of it. 

Free Expression in Games

Video games are everywhere in society. So when it comes to the two values, Promote Innovation and Individual Self-Fulfillment, many games implement them. Creativity is important in games as well as being able to say what they want. Since games can be very creative as well as hold a message and reflect on current society, I believe that these values would be good. 

I would say since Promote Innovation leans more to group creativity and expression, there are many games that come to mind when thinking of games made by companies that are creative and hold a message. The game The Outer Worlds that came out in 2019 comes to mind of a creative game with a message. Essentially the game is about going through different worlds exploring and helping others to get materials, information, and potential allies to help people that are stuck in the middle of space, frozen, and stranded with no one to help them. Though this game is quite expansive and creative in idea and message, the overall response wasn't the best. There are some minor graphical problems, the story has problems, and some gameplay mechanics are not the best. Though The Outer Worlds is fun to play, it does come with its flaws. The reason why I think Promote Innovation is important here is because it shows just how a game can show peoples creativity and speech while also experiencing how people can respond to it. 

Self-Fulfillment focusing more on the individual can also happen in games. The game Undertale is a game that comes to mind that is made by someone who worked on it by himself. The game came out in 2015 and had a lot of positive feedback. I have played this game and it has strong moral values in the game revolving around killing monsters or sparing them. The way Toby Fox, the creator, was able to implement a message in a creative way in gameplay lets people have a lasting impact on it. Creativity comes from its graphics and music. It grows the world that the character is in with music and the art style bringing to life the characters. The reason why Self-Fulfillment is applied here is not only because an individual made this but it shows just how someone putting creativity and a powerful message together can impact their work

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