Monday, February 14, 2022

Blog#6 More Tech of Communication

 Carrier Pigeons

Carrier Pigeons are the first big way people communicated for years. They were used throughout history obviously to share information but also for other interesting ways to communicate to others. Dating back to roughly 3000 BC in Egypt, they were able to find a way to someone domesticate or train them that early on to get messages out there to others though it was for a short distance or at least contained in the main Egyptian territory. 

Carrier pigeons were so influential in modern communication that the purpose of them somewhat evolved. From Egypt sending messages to WWI and WWII where they were used in active war to communicate to fellow soldiers or to carry supplies. It got to the point in the war where some of these birds were getting higher ranks than people. But they ended up continuing even after the wars as well. The real mainstream use of them were used in 2006 in India, they are used later on through 2016 as smuggling messages and goods into otherwise restricted areas. 

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