Thursday, January 20, 2022

Post #1: My Gaming Newsly News sources

For me, I personally take interest in anything video game or movie based information and news. Though I do hear about current events and what's happening in the world from family and friends, I personally won't seek out those types of current events on Fox or CNN. Since I am currently studying game design, I tend to want to know more about what is in the video game community. That doesn't exclude my interest for movies because I personally enjoy watching them as well. 


I enjoy looking up looking up facts about movies, games, tv shows, and books. One website that I will frequently go to is fandom. As stated in the name of the website, it is a site where a fandom/fan base, can get together and read, write, and get together to create, share, and learn about the franchise whether it be big or small. Though I tend to go to this website to look up game information, I will sometimes go there for movie and book information as well. I will also sometimes find fan submitted articles. Some of which get taken down for not being faithful and caring of the source material. But overall I would say this site is fairly good and has very little to no controversy around it.  



IGN(a.k.a. Image Game Network) is a source that has all up to date news on entertainment whether it is video games, movies, and anything that relates to the on screen entertainment. Any news relating to video games and movies will be on here as well as some well written reviews on both. I personally enjoy reading them because it keeps me up to date on news in the games and movies that I enjoy. Sometimes I will even find an article on there that will get me interested in a new game to play or movie to watch. Though this is only their website, IGN also has a twitch  where they do the same thing but more catered towards games but also have its on podcasts on it as well. 


If someone is looking for a community to join, twitch is the place to be. It has communities such as but not limited to: video games, art, table top games like dungeons and dragons, and podcasts just to name a few. It brings together a community to learn about games and content creators and can also sometimes lead people in creating communities to get to know each other. Though it can be a social website, it does have its fair share of news. People can learn games as well as experience the gameplay while not having a game, know about up to date news about games/content creators, and enjoy/learn about art. It is an expressive website where people can share things in which they are passionate about the things they enjoy. I personally enjoy this site because I not only get to join a community that likes the same things as I do but also I get to know up to date news on the content creators that I watch as well as watch Esports games that I haven't seen. 


YouTube is a very common platform where you can find a range of things from game content, current events, to the most random videos that you will find. It is definitely a website with a lot of news and information to put it nicely. You can find news from all over the world about almost anything that isn't against its community guild lines. I personally like it because I can get information from there that can range from anything as well as if I wanted to look at what's happening in the world I will just go on YouTube. 


GameSpot is a news source similar to IGN where it has up to date news on video games, movies, and anything to do with entertainment but mostly deals with video game news. It is fairly good when it comes to it's sources and is good to find out when some video games release. I recently found an article on a new Lego Star Wars game that is coming out this year. I would say that this website is fairly good when it comes to gaming news. It can connect to all audiences of gamers. I also find it good as someone who wants to be a game designer that I get to find up to date news on games that are pretty accurate. 

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