Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog #9 Virtual Reality and Diffusion Theory

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a ferly recent addiction to modern technology that is quickly gaining traction. Though once though of as something that might take years and years of learning to do so, it came much sooner than expected and is now reality. Though as of right now it is slowly becoming more prominent in the world in different ways, diffusion theory will slowly kick in after a few decades or more and it will stop growing in popularity. 

Though virtual reality is quite impressive, it is still being developed and used in many different industries. In the gaming industries, companies are starting to develop games in virtual reality in which people can experience games in a whole new way. With this, virtual reality can evolve in a way that it can be similar to Ready Player One where they can fully implement people into a virtual world where all their senses are connected to it and not just what they see. Though that hasn't happened yet, there are currently tech companies trying to evolve virtual reality to include senses other than sight. 

Outside of video games, virtual reality is being used by companies such as NASA to help simulate space travel and other space related testing. With that testing, people can easily get use to space travel while the technology develops for that. FaceBook also is starting to develop virtual reality technology by creating the metaverse. Due to the social platform declining due to it reaching many people and no more people wanting to get it, it had to think of something new to publish. Though FaceBook has been affected by the diffusion theory and must figure out how to get more customers, it will take a while for that to happen to virtual reality. More and more people through out the years are getting virtual reality gear but it is still in the process of being extremely expensive so not many people are buying it. But as time goes on, more people will get virtual reality. I personally predict that in the next 5 to 10 years it will hit its peak of people buying virtual reality for personal use before sales start to decrease and it be affected by the diffusion theory. 

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Blog #9 Virtual Reality and Diffusion Theory

Virtual Reality Virtual reality is a ferly recent addiction to modern technology that is quickly gaining traction. Though once though of as ...