Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog#8 Cord Cutting

 Cord Cutting

Cord cutting is the act of getting rid of cable television and going towards smart TV and streaming services. With the evolution of how modern television has developed through the years, it is no surprise that people started moving towards streaming services and getting rid of cable TV.  Cable television, an innovation in entertainment and news, was something that greatly effected the world. It came out in the late 1940's to early 1950's as something people could finally get into their own house. As something that improved upon the radio, and movie theaters, cable television was able to impact many people in the world. Though at first when it came out, it had very few channels. One for news, and one to two for entertainment. 

Effects of cord cutting are quite interesting but also shows where the world is heading towards. One the one hand, instead of having local news at certain times, it is all over the place on different news sources. Not only that, each news source has their own opinion that they have to make on the news whether it be local or world news. As well as that, instead of it being a few channels apart, to access news from one side or the other, you have to look into different streaming services that have them which makes people not want to get both or get a smart TV which not everyone can get. Another impact of it is different sources of media will get quite polarized and have their own agenda when publishing shows or news stories. 

Along side all the polarization and entertainment being spread out, people are able to watch old shows that might have got canceled or stopped airing but are now on streaming services. People are able to see shows that they might not normally be able to see on regular cable and also watch content that shows either canceled or people are able to easily catch up on with their own time. This is good because people have access to all sorts of entertainment that they can get whenever they want as well as news stories when they come out and watch it from Fox or CNN. This can also be bad because depending on shows you want to watch and news you want to see, you would have to pay for multiple different streaming services which can progressively build up and be a lot of money. Also depending on where people live and how much they make, they won't be able to get these streaming services and have to rely on cable or news papers and news sources and entertainment industries are starting to back away from those and moving online or on streaming services. This going forward in society is giving companies more control over how people view entertainment. This can be bad because they can push their own agenda and tell people what to think without people thinking for themselves which can be concerning. 

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